I made this piece in 2016 when I felt divided and lost. It can be hard to have two sides of you inside which has the same goal but want to take different roads. You know you need to take the road that is best for you and follow what the intuition tells you, but it can hurt so bad to leave people behind, and stay strong in one owns beliefs when others question it.
This night I feel so lonely, I just want to leave but I don't know where. I don't feel like going anywhere but I don't want to be here either. I feel lost and divided just like before, but even more now than in 2016. I want to scream and cry at the same time because my inside hurts and I can't do so much about it. Just let the feelings exist so I don't trap them inside again.
I can comfort myself with, feeling this lost is a sign that something new is on the horizon. I really hope so....
//Elinda Wiklander